Want to have a website landing page with it's own domain in more than one area? e.g. plumberlondon.co.uk, plumberstreatham.co.uk and so on.... you have arrived at the right place.
Minimum order of 50 domains / websites for each location & $100.00 each. for example plumberstreatham.co.uk is one domain/location. If you wish to add another area in the same website with different address and/or phone number the cost is $5 each. For example plumberstreatham.co.uk/streatham-hill.
for each location in the 50 domains package you get:
We have been using this system for our own business, hense the reason why we exclude some of the categrories in some locations. The system works for organic and for those who want to include their website in Google My Business Page, or PPC. The organic results are great with reviews showing on sub locations of the website, the system scans reviews from all over the internet and adds them to the pages automatically, in turn Google and Bing includes the reviews in the organic search results.
You may ask why do this for other companies and not for us only? The answer is simple, we only provide some services such as locksmith, towing, pluming in some areas, and not covering every location. The locations are free for you if you are from a location that can benefit from our platform.
We will also provide additional ways in which you can improve the SEO by including references inside your websites for those who do not know. Nothing special - just basic info - we do not sell this information, it's common knowledge for most website owners and we provided it free of charge as part of the process.
Send us email with full details of your requirements, and we will contact you back either by phone or email, so please leave you number including country code.
We will design template for your type of industry based on the content you provide.
You buy the domains for all locations you need the website to run, we will need to be able to modify the DNS servers to CloudFlare, or you can do this yourself.
We upload the content to our system/servers and connect your domains. Then we will provide details how to setup Google & Bing Webmaster including Google Anlytics, or we can do this for you. ( Included in the price per domain/location)
Payments in USD $
Payments in GBP £